Episode 18: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion - What is your vision of the world? Salima Bhimani, Chief Strategist and Director of Equity, Inclusion and Diversity, Other Bets - Alphabet
Salima shares how her personal, academic and work experience comes together to drive systemic change, asking us to reflect on the world we want to see, our own social capital and the barriers we ourselves face.
Describing the importance of addressing equity and unjust outcomes arising in organisational culture and processes, Salima provides examples of how to drive change including the role of managers and the task of baseline analysis in designing ED&I strategy.
Calling on all HR Leaders to invest in the capability of the profession to drive long-term change, Salima’s systems-thinking, from the personal to the company-wide and leadership perspectives, is incredibly inspiring and thought provoking.
I have huge affinity with Salima’s outlook and approach, feeling more and more which each of our episodes that people leaders and social entrepreneurs have so much in common… Do you agree?
Here’s a snapshot of a few things we talked about:
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