Your purchases are now supporting over 2,000 children.
From Babies with Love celebrates Social Saturday
We were delighted to be part of Social Saturday, a day to celebrate all things Social Enterprise.
Organic Soft Toy Collection launches during London Design Festival
Our new organic soft toy collection is here!
Ethical Teddy Bear Online Now at
An Adorable Baby Gift, Buy the From Babies with Love Bear at
From Babies with Love in Korea
From Babies with Love is just back from a 'Britain is GREAT' visit to Korea.
Supporting Over 1,000 Babies
We're delighted that, thanks to your shopping, we're supporting over 1,000 babies.
From Babies with Love Bubble Pre-show Event
Bloggers and stylists get designing at our pre-show event with Bubble London.
HRH Bears Gifts for Future King
On Wednesday 9 December we presented HRH The Prince of Wales with Christmas gifts for his grandchildren, Prince George and Princess Charlotte.
Britain is GREAT campaign in Korea
We recently took part in the Britain is GREAT campaign in South Korea.
Introducing our New Teddy Bear
Our lovely new bear, available exclusively at Boots, is eco-friendly and helps orphaned babies, whilst giving hours of comfort and joy for little ones.