The next 30 minute taster session is online:
1.30pm on 1 March 2023
The next 30 minute taster session is online:
1.30pm on 1 March 2023
Based on the Five Pillars your Working Parents Policy Must Include, created with Sarah Jackson OBE, our workshop will give you a tailored 3-stage action plan to help you engage and retain your talent.
There are only 12 workshop sessions available in 2023 - don't miss this opportunity to create a clear, realistic plan that applies cutting edge practice to what will work for your company.
A best practice action plan: from low cost initiatives you can begin now, to change programmes you can implement over three years.
Tailored to your company's current culture and practice: your action plan will be bespoke for your company's workforce, history and future.
Data, case studies and references, using our knowledge of cutting edge policy and practice, that save you time in preparing your business cases.
Sarah Jackson is a leading authority on flexible working, women at work and the gender pay gap. Having spent many years as the Chief Executive of Working Families, Sarah is now a speaker, chair and commentator providing expert opinion on all things working parent related.
We're delighted to collaborate with Sarah to share her Five Pillars for your Working Parents Policy, to ensure your success in maximising the potential of and retaining your working parents.
Sign up to get your free guide to the Five Pillars to improve retention and gender balance.
You'll also get our inspiring series, How HR Leaders Change the World, with clear, actionable ideas from HR leaders for how you can effect change in your team, your company, and the world.
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